Premium Engine Flush Oil | Engine Oil Treatment Removes Slug & Keep Engine Clean & Safe
- Rs. 259
- Rs. 168.00
UE Premium Motor Flush helps to keep the inside of the engine clean and the oil pan prior to carrying out an oil change. Because of the elongated intervals in changing oil, increases the build-up of sludge, gums, and varnishes inside the engine. Hence, it becomes important to clean the engine once in a while before the installation of fresh motor oil.
Where to use (Application)
Petrol Tank
Directions for use
Add entire contents to the full petrol tank. Do not refuel the tank until nearly empty. Suitable for all gasoline injection systems. One 60 ml can is sufficient for up to 14 liters of fuel. This product is effective over 400 km Injection Cleaner can be mixed with fuel at any time since mixing is spontaneous.
What does it do?
Increase petrol efficiency
CONTAINS PETROLEUM DISTILLATES. Avoid prolonged contact with skin. For skin contact. wash with mild soap and water. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting to seek medical attention immediately.
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